quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013

Max payne 3 receberá o seu último DLC

 A Rockstar anunciou que uma atualização para Max Payne 3 encontra-se disponível na PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 e PC que prepara o jogo para o novo e último conteúdo adicional: Deathmatch Made in Heaven.


A atualização também vem corrigir alguns erros menores. A lista do que foi corrigido está em baixo.
  • Slightly increased the rate of fire and the accuracy of the IMG 5.56 and fixed an issue where it would occasionally jam between bursts
  • Fixed a reloading issue with the M24
  • Fixed an issue where the auto 9mm would sometimes change fire mode when toggling the laser sight on/off
  • Fixed an issue where the scope and laser attachments for the IA2 AR rifle would occasionally not work
  • Fixed an issue where the grenade indicators would sometimes not display correctly
  • Improved fix for instance of players occasionally getting stuck in cover during the single player campaign
  • Fixed an issue where players could occasionally have trouble aiming using Southpaw controls in the single player campaign
  • Fixed an issue where certain users received an error message when selecting Social Club from the Main Menu
  • Fixed an issue with signing up to Social Club in-game for Japanese users

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